
New Educational History Videos – 4th Graders

NHS goes “Ken Burns”—we are working to create online tours, beginning with our most popular tours, the Nevada History tours that augment the 4th grade Nevada History curriculum. Pre-COVID the NHS served our schools’ needs through onsite tours and paid for the school bus transportation. Because this onsite service is currently not possible, we are using staff and docents’ hidden talents and are becoming filmmakers. Covid-19 has made sharing history to students challenging this year.

Our educational docents and staff decided that creating videos would be the best way to fulfill our mission. What a wonderful opportunity to share the history of the state and provide better access to students and people interesting in Nevada’s varied history. Everyone worked very hard in researching and writing scripts, reviewing and selecting images and artifacts for their virtual tours. It has been a long but worthwhile project.

The five videos are:

  1. Prehistory of Nevada
  2. Living on the Land (Native Americans)
  3. Mountain Men Explorers
  4. Mountain Men and Fur Trappers
  5. Traveling the California Trail through Nevada, 1841-1869

Check them out Educational History Videos